Monday, October 15, 2012

The Crucible Act III Response

Abigail strikes again! When Proctor and Mary Warren appeared in the court, Mary was revealing how Abigail and the other girls were lying about being able to see spirits and Proctor was accusing her of laughing at prayer and dancing in the woods (Parris later confesses that he knew about the dancing). I figured that all hope would be lost for Abigail and that she would be revealed as the true wicked girl that she is. Unfortunately, she is just too wise and quickly figured out a way to get herself and the other girls out of this mess.

I never expected her to begin a whole commotion about seeing spirits at that moment. The girls were smart to follow her lead, or else the plan wouldn't have worked very well. It bothers me that Mary would fall for it so easily, though. Abigail knew she would join in on the commotion because when they were in the woods, she wasn't sure about seeing spirits, but thought she did because of the reactions from the other girls. Another thing that bothered me was how Mary immediately accused John Proctor of seeing the devil, causing him to be taken into custody. Abigail is very smart, which makes her a big danger to everyone. If she keeps this up, I feel like everything will go in her favor (which I really hope it doesn't).

232 words

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