Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Crucible Act II Response

Despite what happened between Proctor and Abigail, and the issues the couple is dealing with, I feel like him and his wife Elizabeth are fixing their bond and truly love each other. In Act II of the Crucible, we find out that Elizabeth is aware of the affair that happened between her husband and Abigail. In the beginning of the act, I feel like the couple is a bit hesitant around each other because at one point Elizabeth feels like telling Proctor something, but decides to hold back. As the dialogue continues, we begin to sense that Proctor regrets his bad decision because he hates how Elizabeth continues to doubt him and tells her to just look in the goodness in him. I understand Elizabeth's trust issues and think it's normal. Many girls feel insecure sometimes, and to be cheated on by the man you love, even if it's over now, may make them doubt. 

When Hale comes over, Proctor decides to tell him what Abigail told him because that's what his wife had wanted. This shows that Proctor is trying to make his wife happy and earn her trust back. Later on when Cheever tells the couple that Abigail has accused Elizabeth, we notice by Proctor's choice of words and actions that he does not want Elizabeth to go to the court. He gets Mary Warren to tell her side of the poppet story in order to prove the Elizabeth had nothing to do with it and is persistent with Mary's answers in order to get his point across. When Hale and Cheever try to take Elizabeth with them, Proctor rips the warrant and tries to kick them out, showing that he does not want his wife to have to deal with this, especially if the accusation made by Abigail makes no sense at all. Elizabeth tells him she will go, but he doesn't want her to.

When everyone is gone, Proctor tells Mary that she will confess everything to the court and charge murder on Abigail, but she tells him she can't. If she does Abigail could kill her and charge lechery on Proctor, meaning he could be killed too because it's a sin. I feel like beyond everything that has happened between them, Elizabeth and Proctor really love each other because Proctor is willing to die for her.

391 Words

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