Sunday, April 7, 2013

Indian Mascot: Yes or No?

One of the most popular NHL franchises, "The Chicago Blackhawks" has an Indian as their mascot, as well as the MLB team "The Cleveland Indians" and the NFL team "The Washington Redskins". So what? Many people don't pay any attention or think about how the mascot may make other people feel because they are too busy watching the players develop plays and getting the win. To be honest, I don't think any people care or pay attention to that until it is brought up by certain people (the NCAA for example).

I don't think that the Indian mascot is bad at all, and it empowers, or brings pride to Native Americans rather than bring shame. Native American Indians were considered to be powerful and athletic men, so they serve as a comparison to the team players. It may show how players are or aspire to be as powerful and strong as they were in their game. I do understand that some may be unhappy about stereotypes that occur today to Native Americans (such as questioning their race, like the article we read in class), but that comes from ignorant people who fail to realize, not because of Indian mascots.

What about sports teams with specific groups of people as names or mascots? The New Orleans Saints (religion), The Boston Celtics (people), The Houston Texans (people), are only some of many. People don't complain about them because they are never brought into the spotlight in this form, or they are proud and don't care. I think that people should let the situation settle and allow Indians as mascots and/or team names. They should bring pride and joy rather than shame to Native Americans. If they are faced with stereotypical people who should know better, they should be upset with them, and not the mascot (304).

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