Thursday, February 7, 2013

The American Dream

In Cnn's article "Boy scout leaders put off vote on gay membership",  there is a battle going on discussing whether or not openly homosexual troops and leaders should be banned and denied a membership, or whether they should have it granted. After a long time disputing, The Boy Scouts Association leaders have decided to put off the vote, receiving criticism from all, supporters and objectors.

Many Americans believe in equality for all and are determined to get the rights they want and feel they deserve. In my opinion, this is a major part of the American Dream. Immigrants, for example, come into this country with hopes of one day being seen past their status in society and being judged for their talent and will, just like any American citizen. Many, if not all, are determined to work hard enough to get a good education, and earn enough money to raise their family and to create a better life in the "New World".

 In this particular situation, I see no reason as to why the vote should be put off until further notice. The people creating and living a life in this glorious country should all have an equal shot at something, such as joining this popular and well recognized association. A large amount of Americans were supportive of the decision to end the discrimination, bringing attention to the association and the country that it is unfair to these boys to be left out of all the fun. All people are capable of accomplishing many things, man or women, gay or straight. It doesn't seem right for a person to be denied the right of accomplishing their goals just because they are not what some consider to be "acceptable". (288)

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